Cfl watts for 1 plant


Well-Known Member
I dunno what brand your getting....maybe its also US packaging. But here in Canada, most boxes/packages will show both the equivalent as well as the actual wattage on it.
As well most cfl bulbs will have a serial number, lotnumber, etc, as well as the wattage on it as well on the ballast part of it.

if it looks blueish/bright whiteish to you then its most likely 5000K or above. 4100k might looks a little blueish as well (depends on what yor consider blueish)
2700k is soft white and will look orange/yellow

The best would be take a pic of it on so we can see.

again never go by the equivalent wattages, cuz then you go buy bulbs thinking they are 100 watts when really they are only 15-23 watts.
Any decent name brand should be labeling what wattage they are. I dont see why they wouldn't,although im sure some may only put the equivalent...from a marketing perspective. But im sure the actual wattage in on the package somewhere, maybe just in small print