Cfl..........white russian


Active Member
looks like indica dominant to me bro,is it the blue widow?if so ive had 2 diff. phenos come from this strain.both killer smoke,but the ind.dom. plant was potent as hell tho.GL bro.
Yeah, that photo is the Blue Widow, plan to clone from her. I really hope she turns out to be a great strain.


Active Member
4.jpg3.jpg1.jpg2.jpg see how bushy they are. think I will top them today. torn about it though. should I just bend them like I did with the bag ladies or both? lemme know please... Whats your opinion.


Active Member
just topped one of the afghani's and one of the WR. it hurts to do it. I'll probably feel better when the to tops start growing out. I need to name them soon? hate calling them #1-4. so impersonal.


Well-Known Member
You wont be disappointed when you finally get to smoker her, the yields are outstanding as well. Dont want to highjack your thread, so if you would like to see what she is capable of, check out my albums. Id adivse to take a cutting or two, she is a keeper. Good luck!!!:leaf:


Active Member
my main stem on my wr#4 snapped but not completely off. still held on barely by one side of the skin. is there a way to save it. I have it Splinted up. will that work


Active Member
stem did not completely snap off but at least 3/4 of the stem severed, origingal art by meP101000.jpg. I propped the plant upright back to its original spot at braced it. When I went to bed (about an hour after it happened) one of the leaves on the left side was droopy and in the dirt. Thought she was a goner. woke up this morning to find thisP1010003.jpgP1010004.jpgP1010001.jpgP1010005.jpgP1010002.jpg. So far I am a lucky bastard with some tough russian bitches. hell yea!


Active Member
yea that is what I hear. preparing for that! oh man. I had LST'd 2 of the other WR and was doing the same to this one and SNAP!..... then a " awwww fuck fuckity fuck fuck!" then inside crying... then wound care. so far so good. we'll see how she is tonight. thanks for the support. did this happen to anybody else?


Active Member
these are the 3 bagseed plants I started about a week before the WR and Afghani's.. they have all been LST'd and are doing well.P1010003.jpgP1010002.jpgP1010001.jpg


Active Member
This is my wounded warrior plant. she was snapped almost completley off and recovered like a champ. even showed some new growth from yesterday.P1010008.jpgP1010007.jpg Here are 2 of the others. guess I forgot to take a pic of the last one. I topped one of them sunday. new nodes are poppin. P1010010.jpgP1010009.jpg


Active Member
I was only going there to get garbage bags. then I saw the pans, and I instantly thought "REEEEEEFLECTOOOOOORRRRR!" 2 bucks and i was out the door.


Active Member
Started Low Stress Training two of the 4 WR a couple days ago. they are some strong plants. the main stem is so solid. I tried pinching a bit on what looked like a soft area to make it easier to bend. their was barely any give. My brokey plant is recovering nicely. don't think I'm gonna lst that one.


Active Member
All of the plants have been in the soil for about two weeks. The WR Roots are popping out the bottom of the pot. is it too early to start adding diluted nutrients? i was going to start the with a weak botanicare CNS17 grow and bloom. But is it too early for that? is there something I look for in the plants that will give me a sign? any input would be appreciated. thanks