CFL's admiting Harmful Radiation?!???


Active Member
I was fliping through the chanels last night when something caught my attention on CBC news. Health Canada says it is testing compact fluorescent bulbs to measure potentially harmful ultraviolet radiation and electromagnetic-field exposure levels. It admits something like UAV 3 rays which is worse then Direct sunlight. Im sure this is a concern with lots of people on here who work very closely with large amounts of CFL's and larg wattage CFL's. They say not to spen more than and hour beside one. This is just for household CFL's the big ones say 150watt- 200watt whould be about 3-4 times that. They havent confirmed anything yet, but still makes me uneasy. Go here for full story:
If you look to the right at th top of the page it will have the video of the segmant for quicktime and real player. I hope there wronge.


Well-Known Member
i think uv light is good for my plants, so im all for it! i will just cut down visit time with the plants. :(


Well-Known Member
i was reading the paper the other day, i think its a maximum of 30 minutes you should spend close to a CFL bulb per day. its still in testing so hopefully it wont be as bad as they think. for the time being im going to spend less time breathing on my plants as someone else has mentioned and just water, adjust anything necessary, check for mites/problems and leave the area and close it up. i enjoy growing and toking but not so much looking for an illness that couldve been avoided


Well-Known Member
in a few years the hps and mh dinosaurs will be a thing of the past! then the familiar twist of the ho cfl will rule the green house!!!! we are just getting ahead of the curve!


Well-Known Member
i'm more concerned with my personal health than i am my plants. i have CFL's everywhere in my house.


Well-Known Member
its only harmful if your within a certain distance to it for a long period of time
so you dont have to worry bro


Well-Known Member
im sure all those buzzing ballasts filled with toxic metals and things of that nature cant be good for your health either . plus nobody even said the cfl actually caused any problems they kept saying there is a test going on but never told us the results??? plus that broadcast was canadian...... nuff said!


Active Member
I did'nt even know they could talk!:-P Its mostly whats on the inside of the bulb that is bad. Every electronic device puts out radiation, your computer screen and your cell are good examples. don't sleep in your growroom.


Well-Known Member
True...I was fucking around with my box and watering the plants etc and I got the worst fucking felt like someone was jabbing their thumb into my temple and jacking around with the back of my right eye...I had to lay down...and it's not the first time...but it could also be eye strain so I'm not ruling anything out...


Well-Known Member
im sure all those buzzing ballasts filled with toxic metals and things of that nature cant be good for your health either . plus nobody even said the cfl actually caused any problems they kept saying there is a test going on but never told us the results??? plus that broadcast was canadian...... nuff said!

i'm not lighting my home with buzzing ballasts. and mine are digital anyways. :weed: