CFL's are stupid. I took them down.


Well-Known Member
I also believe that most people who are serious about this particular hobby will do some reading of these forums. About the only thing I gather from the difference in HPS and CFL are typically the yield.

The flower density issues are somewhat resolved with ScroG or LST. If you aren't expecting outrageous yields, I think CFL's are a great way to go. Some people just don't need pounds for their grows to be considered successful in their eyes.

For 1 or 2 plant "stealth" grows...which are typically what I see people using CFL's for, the "Get a 600 watt HPS" seems a bit ridiculous.

get a 250. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
stupid, i tell you, stupid. not the people that grow with them but the lights themselves. we just went shopping for house bulbs. these cfl's are outta here.


Active Member
I prefer cfls the spiral ones their lumens output is awesome and if you can custom build a lighting system that can be placed inches away from the top leaves you can get some really good bud its all about how close the light is to the leaves and also i can have both red spectrum for flowering and stem strenght and blue spectrum for veg stage at the same time and cmon you can have 10 - 23W bulbs putting out 20,000 lumens for 33cents a day...Your stupid not to use cfls


Well-Known Member
I prefer cfls the spiral ones their lumens output is awesome and if you can custom build a lighting system that can be placed inches away from the top leaves you can get some really good bud its all about how close the light is to the leaves and also i can have both red spectrum for flowering and stem strenght and blue spectrum for veg stage at the same time and cmon you can have 10 - 23W bulbs putting out 20,000 lumens for 33cents a day...Your stupid not to use cfls

cfl's are stupid. :twisted::peace:


and cmon you can have 10 - 23W bulbs putting out 20,000 lumens for 33cents a day
actually... you just get a really well distributed 2000lumens over all your plants.... lumens don't add like that....

buy an hps... or mh if soley for veg purposes...


Well-Known Member
25 mostly stupid pages later . . . you know, it's really quite simple. CFL's are relatively new and "green" so the blitz is on to replace every incandescent bulb on earth.
When I moved indoors in 77' straight shop lights were about all there was that weren't cost prohibitive. Folks used these and they worked, albeit not ideally.
IMO, too many cfl's are needed to be practical. They get hot and I can't imagine trying to route all those wires and fixtures and other bullshit. It just seems like a lot of hassle for basically the same results an experienced grower can get from a bank of 2 or 3 shoplights. BTW, $12 w/2-40W tubes per 2 light fixture, at W-Mart. (Always?)

I use banks of three 40's (6 tubes)and can't imagine better veg lighting that would allow a grower to comtrol the rate, so things don't get out of hand and you aren't forced to flower a "pre-teen" plant at a foot.

As for the expense of HID, because I'd always been able to keep me and mine in stash for 30 years without upgrading, I never even looked. It's NOT that expensive to get a hps for flowering, or a mh for veg, if that's your want. I was shocked at how affordable they actually are and it was foolish for me not to have looked years ago.

That said, I'm doing my first ever HPS budding right now, one 600W over 9 2' diesels, in a 4.5X4.5.

I dunno that CFL's are stupid (IMO, they're ridiculous) but they certainly aren't for any serious med-cash cropper, simply because the buds are generally lessor n' looser than those grown by the connosaur/exotic profit (or stash) grower.


Well-Known Member a mother plant with an HPS/NH is overkill. Using cfl's to maintain a mom plant is cool. Agreed.

But for growing....I still have to say go with an HID if you can afford it. Dont get cfls to be cheap when you can afford something better. You get out what you put in...and if you can put lil more effort in....the end result should show it.

I know people have success with cfls throught the grow....but I want more bang at the end. Everything else being equal...A great grower using cfls should get an ok yield at the end.
But a newbie grower using an HPS (and avoiding major mistakes) should yield a lot more simply because of the light used.
True as a mothafuka!!

CFL BUDS = :eyesmoke:
HPS BUDS = :eyesmoke::blsmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::confused:


Well-Known Member
Im 11 days into my first grow..

I started off with a couple cfls for 6 plants.. AFTER the first week, I put them under the 400 watt hps and transplanted them into 2 1/2 gal pots. 2'8x2'8x5'3" room.. 47 Lumens per square feet.

Get a real light.:fire:


Well-Known Member
the key is using extension cords that have a Y-adapter hooked into it. you can get the light .5" from the bud, which is where CFLs shine. pun intended


Well-Known Member
Anything used for the wrong application sucks, but just because they dont work for you , dont mean they dont work for someone else. If you were looking to cover a large area, you should have known better than to use CFLs and the whole point of CFLs is so you CAN keep them so close to the plants.

Yes they do put out heat but using a 400w HPs in my room would raise the temp to 115f with all the ventilation I got, while almost 500w of CFLS only gets me to 82f . So yes they create heat, No they do not create as much as a 400w HID

Pics 4 u



Hey fdd, you have been the only person to give some reasons that cfls are bad and scare me for my room, but in your own experienced opinion are cfls going to be hotter then hps? Cause i would like to do a 100w either cfl or hps per plant in my room. Doing this i need the coolest lighting source available.