CFL's Blue and Red


Active Member
Hello, i know this has probably been asked before but i did a search and came up with no results.

but i was just wondering if you could use the blue spectrum lighting which is for Vegatation, all the way through. see i am on a tight budget and can only afford one.


Well-Known Member
i mean youll get some bud. but its alot better to go with the red spectrum for flowering. how many total cfls are you using, it cant be that expensive. its worth the extra 30 bucks bro


Active Member
Well i live in england, its like £60 ($120) for one 125w CFL with the wiring n everything. i think if you pay an extra $40 you can buy both red n blue, so i guess, i could do both. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Dude, just get a bunch of 40W CFLs and surround the plant. Or even 23 W CFLs. The more light, the better. To get the max light from CFLs, you need to keep them within 1-3 inches of the plant. Closer is better w/ cfls.

How many plants you got?