CFLs doing okay job? Maybe some suggestions?

I inherited a few clones and decided to try a CFL grow.

14/8 under four 23w 6500k CFL for a few weeks
Added five 18w 6500k CFLs on side via power strip and adapters, changed to 18/6
Added four 23w 2700k CFLs on top, three on the side with another two 6500k bulbs. Also switched in two 2700k CFLs on other fixture.
Eventually getting to...
Few days ago (and a few days into 12/12)...
And then yesterday...

I noticed overall both girls are kinda droopy. I'm using foxfarm products, currently just tiger bloom. Temperature is constantly in the mid to high 80s dropping to 70's at night. This is my first grow attempt and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I made a seedling starter box, pics to come in a few hours...maybe later tonight.
My growing space is actually a closet. Flat white walls and a mylar sheet that I put up to isolate the plants in the corner as I don't have many plants. The light cycle was 14/8 at the time because I was a bit too ripped to count the hours correctly on the timer. :mrgreen: I fixed that a week and a half after the fact. More lights will go up this paycheck. Should I just hang more down from the top or just from the sides? Also, if I do just come from the sides, what is the optimum positioning for the bulbs relative to the plant? Also, does the angle that they're at matter much? Thanks again for the responses guys! (or girls:hump:)


Well-Known Member
I'd only add sidelight at this point, hang them vertical about 1-2 inches from the sides of the plants, try to get each plant surrounded by them on all sides.
I adjusted the lighting around a bit...
How many more lights (and where) would you guys suggests that I add? I am on a super limited budget at the moment so cheap is good. Thanks again.
i would say maybe 2 more lights one on the left side of the left plant and one on the right side of the right plant and youll be golden :) but watch out for burn!


Well-Known Member
Is that the way it looks in there all the time... I see way to much shade. To me it looks like 1/3 of each plant is not gettin light, does anyone else notice that or is it just the picture/angle? I am well medicated right now so...:eyesmoke:

I would get them up as close as to the wall as possible without bending fan leaves(to much:-P) maybe in a corner that has equal length sides then get something to enclose it like a triangle. Maybe that is how you utilize the mylar. Have you an spare power-strips around that you could use as a light fixture, preferably two. One for each plant. Do you have a top reflector? To me it looks like your loosing lots of potential light saturation. Also do you have an fans in there? One more thing.... hehe what is the ratio of 2700k/6500k bulbs now?

Check out my grow if ya want to, I have a description of the power-strip light fixture and a cheap way to reflect the light down.


Well-Known Member
looking good mate :mrgreen: get some string out of the cupboard and tie them bitches down so them side shoots take off, then all the buds sites will level out and no need for side lighting. just pull them tighter each day until ideal hight
Thanks for the responses everyone, ill snag some more shots in a bit. The shots are a bit dark due to my lack of decent camera, there's definitely less than 1/3 of the plant has shade now, I took two extension cords with some adapters and rope and put two bulbs oriented vertically on each side. I bought a few emergency blankets to put up around the back and top (no idea how I'll do that...grrr), right now there is no top reflector. How fast and far should I tie the plants down? My seedlings are doing super well and need new containers. :-( Outdoor veg is going well too, ill take some pics in a bit of those as well. Can anyone put a good guess on what the strain is of the plants I posted above?


Well-Known Member
looking good mate :mrgreen: get some string out of the cupboard and tie them bitches down so them side shoots take off, then all the buds sites will level out and no need for side lighting. just pull them tighter each day until ideal hight
really? lol... ok so ya tie the foliage down an then say not to add side lighting... um what does light do for a plant? Do cfl's have a great saturation area? WTF good is it to tie anything down if the light you try to get to the side-shoots is still to far away to saturate them huh? That is why side lighting is beneficial when using cfl's!!! If ya disagree with me tamjam then you might want to spend more time absorbing information!

BTW - CFL Proximity To Foliage is stuck at the top of the CFL sub-forum. Good info there, and GK gotz knowledge! Plus he even has a book ya can buy... mad propz & thankz to Garden Knowm. :weed:

Thanks for the responses everyone, ill snag some more shots in a bit. The shots are a bit dark due to my lack of decent camera, there's definitely less than 1/3 of the plant has shade now, I took two extension cords with some adapters and rope and put two bulbs oriented vertically on each side. I bought a few emergency blankets to put up around the back and top (no idea how I'll do that...grrr), right now there is no top reflector. How fast and far should I tie the plants down? My seedlings are doing super well and need new containers. :-( Outdoor veg is going well too, ill take some pics in a bit of those as well. Can anyone put a good guess on what the strain is of the plants I posted above?
Hey snubbi before ya get into using them blankets, hold one up between you an your grow lights... can you see your lights through the material? I used them blankets on my vegg box, the blankets I used Ozark Trail(52"x82.5") where able to be seen through. If you double them up then it might decrease transparency. If the car reflector works good then get a few more of those. At leat ya know they can take the heat... but they also might absorb some an increase the temp of your area. For a quick fix ya could hang heavyweight poster board around. Replacement hangar bar could also be useful for hanging additional things.