Change my mind please....

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Don’t you guys have lives? I read that your husband is laid off. Do you work? Bubble chronic do you work? You guys have an awful lot of time to spend on a marijuana forum.
@rollitup I’d Love to know the racial breakdown of the forum.
I just had surgery that’s my excuse.
I’m using my vacation time to get clean, and be on RIU
I love their work ethic, atleast from what I’ve seen that’s why most my managers were Hispanic I think...immigration , well we’re all immigrants here so I have no issue with whoever wants to come here, please don’t be mistaken I am a very open minded person and have very dear friends of many different races
Do you live in a area with a large % of hispanic people?
You ever watch the news?

This site is in the same world as the news is in. Just because you're into weed doesn't make the rest if the world magically disappear.
That is true but I find most things have a time and place. I don't prepare my dinner while in the bathroom and I don't debate racism on a pot site. Hey, that's just me. You do you, I am not judging.
That is true but I find most things have a time and place. I don't prepare my dinner while in the bathroom and I don't debate racism on a pot site. Hey, that's just me. You do you, I am not judging.
You should at least take the time while your hanging out in here to learn about how you are being attacked by paid trolls on any forum you happen to hang out on. And how all of your data is being used to attack you with very specific propaganda. To the point that you happen to find your way into a pot forum, and you end up in the political section reading a thread about racism.
You should at least take the time while your hanging out in here to learn about how you are being attacked by paid trolls on any forum you happen to hang out on. And how all of your data is being used to attack you with very specific propaganda. To the point that you happen to find your way into a pot forum, and you end up in the political section reading a thread about racism.
That is likely why I work in IT but have only one social media account which is this one. If someone wants to physically attack me than they are welcome to try, otherwise it is just as easy to click them away. I did read though the doc in your quoted post thought, interesting stuff.
That is true but I find most things have a time and place. I don't prepare my dinner while in the bathroom and I don't debate racism on a pot site. Hey, that's just me. You do you, I am not judging.
wow you are so morally superior for your brave stance of refusing to acknowledge the existence of racism in the political section of a pot website but endlessly whining about it
wow you are so morally superior for your brave stance of refusing to acknowledge the existence of racism in the political section of a pot website but endlessly whining about it
Endlessly whining, LOL. Ok, clearly you have some pent up issues and I cannot help your feelings of inferiority. You feel free to try to start an argument with someone else as I won't be pulled down that that level. You take care now.
Endlessly whining, LOL. Ok, clearly you have some pent up issues and I cannot help your feelings of inferiority. You feel free to try to start an argument with someone else as I won't be pulled down that that level. You take care now.
That’s what they do they make such inflamitory remarks to try and bate you into saying things just to piss them off then deem you a racist or bigot, gotta love the inter webs
Endlessly whining, LOL. Ok, clearly you have some pent up issues and I cannot help your feelings of inferiority. You feel free to try to start an argument with someone else as I won't be pulled down that that level. You take care now.
"i wont be pulled down to the level of acknowledging racism"

so brave, sunglasses boy
That is likely why I work in IT but have only one social media account which is this one. If someone wants to physically attack me than they are welcome to try, otherwise it is just as easy to click them away. I did read though the doc in your quoted post thought, interesting stuff.
Nice, that is pretty much (stats/analyst) my m.o. too. Keep your head on a swivel about how the websites designed to look like actual journalistic media (local and national) is used to lend credibility to propaganda and you start to get the picture of how this is one all connected shit-show that Trump is conducting from the Oval Office with the help of Putin in Moscow. Trolls attacking everything from every direction, pushing up the hits and comments attached to every story. It becomes indistinguishable once people start to fall into the trap that is constant irritatingly effective data-driven spam.

I’m not sure, I think that clip is pretty funny cause it’s how out minds work when we start thinking about race

It is very much the similar response. Sexism is very real, and while someone might not be racist, it doesn't mean that they might not have the ability to fall into a different type of psychological trap based on this type of bias.
Nice, that is pretty much (stats/analyst) my m.o. too. Keep your head on a swivel about how the websites designed to look like actual journalistic media (local and national) is used to lend credibility to propaganda and you start to get the picture of how this is one all connected shit-show that Trump is conducting from the Oval Office with the help of Putin in Moscow. Trolls attacking everything from every direction, pushing up the hits and comments attached to every story. It becomes indistinguishable once people start to fall into the trap that is constant irritatingly effective data-driven spam.

It is very much the similar response. Sexism is very real, and while someone might not be racist, it doesn't mean that they might not have the ability to fall into a different type of physiological trap based on this type of bias.
I want to thank you again you’ve been great and very informative, I truly appreciate your time
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