Change my mind please....

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Congtrats on your recent life change @Bublonichronic !!!!! Praying for you and your health :-)

This is such a hot topic right now in our country, and rightly so.

Let me preface this with I am of the Right orientation, not the far right, just a normal every day American that goes to work, and goes home. I believe in conservative, family values, the golden rule, etc.....

Here's the problem we face as a nation right now:

1. Lack of Jesus Christ - Seriously, and flame me all you want, but HE is the ONLY answer to the worlds problems. Sadly, many will recognize this too late, and for them, I am sad. Look up to the sky people, time is getting short, don't be left behind :fire:

2. Generations of sin and lack of personal responsibility - again, back to #1

3. People are assholes - we all know this. Its about "coexist" and by this i mean, tolerate your neighbor. We don't all like the Bob wears a speedo in his front yard, but hey, Bill isn't hurting anyone. That's how religion and life are supposed to work. Mind ya own business and move on.

4. Absolute power corrupts absolutely - Now, before you crucify me, just listen. There are good opinions from BOTH sides of the isle. The issue is that they are trying to strip the humanity away from us ALL. Asian, White, Black, Eskimo, Jew, Native American........I think that given the circumstances and the oposition that the POTUS is facing right now, for all it's worth, he's doing better than some I'd say. At least he wants America to be self reliant again.

The sooner we realize this, the sooner people will wake up.

Way to ruin this thread by injecting religion into it and placing anyone who disagrees with your 'both sides' Trumpeting into having to somehow attack your particular religious dogma.

Stripping humanity is the tool of dictators like Trump. He has been doing that against anyone not in his cult since day one. The problem is that the race of people for too long has been used to keep white men in power. And due to this we still structural issues we need to overcome so that everyone in our country is able to take the same advantages of what we have built up.
I can see the trying to strip humanity out of us, but does that need to go and can it even happen ?
It's all about control.

Think of it like this, when you join the Army, they break you down, then mold you into the soldier they want you to be.

This public outcry, anarchy and lawlessness is being driven/sanctioned by the Democrats/Far Left in order to push their agenda forward to a chaotic society.

That way, when they come in with their Communism and Socialism the kids are like "oh thank goodness you're here to save I can sit on my butt, be safe, insulated, and just live in a little bubble and wait out my time to die (live)."

If there is nothing constructive to fill the hours, and nothing outside of the proverbial "I", what is there?

The entire BLM movement (HAHAHAHAHA - there, we've identified it) is nothing more than a smoke/mirror trick that the Left is pushing (I mean, lets be real, it's an election year) to try and leverage control. They are

Without the utter chaos, they have no chance. They know this.

Something to think about if the Democrats win in November:

1. They plan to abolish the filibuster, essentially making Congress and Senate their own personal arms of the law
2. They plan to lower the voting age to 16......16!!!!!! There is no 16 year old on this planet that knows their head from a hole in the ground, let alone how to vote. Why this is important? If they get the 16 year old vote, there is absolutely no way for anyone other than a Democrat to win. Anything.Ever again. Scary? Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh. It all seems super cool till the next think you know, they're at your front door, taking your guns, telling you when your curfew is, when you can buy groceries and issuing rations......

3. This fight is coming to your front door.....ready or not.......They don't just want to win, they want to punish, demoralize and humiliate all opposition. A win is not a win for them without absolute power. Remember what absolute power does? .......*popcorn*
I am not religious , although Iv been thinking about it a lot lately, my time with DMT tells there is something out there even if it’s not the man with a beard and burkenstocks , if that makes sense ?
Way to ruin this thread by injecting religion into it and placing anyone who disagrees with your 'both sides' Trumpeting into having to somehow attack your particular religious dogma.

Stripping humanity is the tool of dictators like Trump. He has been doing that against anyone not in his cult since day one. The problem is that the race of people for too long has been used to keep white men in power. And due to this we still structural issues we need to overcome so that everyone in our country is able to take the same advantages of what we have built up.
Religion doesn't ruin anything my friend. These are just the simple facts.

Stripping humanity is the tool of dictators like Obama too, my friend ;)

like it, or don't!
This public outcry, anarchy and lawlessness is being driven/sanctioned by the Democrats/Far Left in order to push their agenda forward to a chaotic society.
"Far Left" pushing for a chaotic society.

Pure propaganda.
That way, when they come in with their Communism and Socialism the kids are like "oh thank goodness you're here to save I can sit on my butt, be safe, insulated, and just live in a little bubble and wait out my time to die (live)."
Then you push the lie further by pretending that as a person from the 'right' can name 'the left' communists and socialists.

Again pure propaganda.

The entire BLM movement (HAHAHAHAHA - there, we've identified it) is nothing more than a smoke/mirror trick that the Left is pushing (I mean, lets be real, it's an election year) to try and leverage control. They are
And then attacking the BLM movement, and trying to tie it to a political 'side'.

It's all about control.

Think of it like this, when you join the Army, they break you down, then mold you into the soldier they want you to be.

This public outcry, anarchy and lawlessness is being driven/sanctioned by the Democrats/Far Left in order to push their agenda forward to a chaotic society.

That way, when they come in with their Communism and Socialism the kids are like "oh thank goodness you're here to save I can sit on my butt, be safe, insulated, and just live in a little bubble and wait out my time to die (live)."

If there is nothing constructive to fill the hours, and nothing outside of the proverbial "I", what is there?

The entire BLM movement (HAHAHAHAHA - there, we've identified it) is nothing more than a smoke/mirror trick that the Left is pushing (I mean, lets be real, it's an election year) to try and leverage control. They are

Without the utter chaos, they have no chance. They know this.

Something to think about if the Democrats win in November:

1. They plan to abolish the filibuster, essentially making Congress and Senate their own personal arms of the law
2. They plan to lower the voting age to 16......16!!!!!! There is no 16 year old on this planet that knows their head from a hole in the ground, let alone how to vote. Why this is important? If they get the 16 year old vote, there is absolutely no way for anyone other than a Democrat to win. Anything.Ever again. Scary? Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh. It all seems super cool till the next think you know, they're at your front door, taking your guns, telling you when your curfew is, when you can buy groceries and issuing rations......

3. This fight is coming to your front door.....ready or not.......They don't just want to win, they want to punish, demoralize and humiliate all opposition. A win is not a win for them without absolute power. Remember what absolute power does? .......*popcorn*
You make some very good points , I am afraid they will take our guns and leave us defenseless, I mean isn’t that essentially what anerica is all about ? Having the ability to fight back to a oppressive government, they want to take that, crazy to me
"Far Left" pushing for a chaotic society.

Pure propaganda.

Then you push the lie further by pretending that as a person from the 'right' can name 'the left' communists and socialists.

Again pure propaganda.

And then attacking the BLM movement, and trying to tie it to a political 'side'.

Nah, not trolling, this is just my 2 cents. Like it, or don't :)

Everyone has an opinion right? ;)
"Far Left" pushing for a chaotic society.

Pure propaganda.

Then you push the lie further by pretending that as a person from the 'right' can name 'the left' communists and socialists.

Again pure propaganda.

And then attacking the BLM movement, and trying to tie it to a political 'side'.

LOL - Attacking the BLM movement, *eyeroll*

They (the BLM folks) have already tied themselves to a political side. Have you not seen the news? They identify as MARXISTS , and that their agenda is anarchy and destruction.

Wow, apparently the news doesn't get to all areas of the country.....
Nah, not trolling, this is just my 2 cents. Like it, or don't :)

Everyone has an opinion right? ;)
Sure, some get paid to push the same opinion you are pushing too.

You are at best a useful idiot.

You make some very good points , I am afraid they will take our guns and leave us defenseless, I mean isn’t that essentially what anerica is all about ? Having the ability to fight back to a oppressive government, they want to take that, crazy to me
Good luck if you think that troll has some 'very good points'.
LOL - Attacking the BLM movement, *eyeroll*

They (the BLM folks) have already tied themselves to a political side. Have you not seen the news? They identify as MARXISTS , and that their agenda is anarchy and destruction.

Wow, apparently the news doesn't get to all areas of the country.....
Yeah I am sure whatever right wing propaganda you are getting it from made it very convincing. Did they also use scary music and shaky running cam? I know the conspiracy theories love to fall for that kind of shit.
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