Change nutrients


Well-Known Member
Im growing in soil, about to flip 12/12 soon.
Now im just using some nameless hydro solution, and I have ordered GH 3 parts and Botanicare calmag
I will use it when in flowering.
Haven't use any calmag product before. Dont know how much should I use.
Im using tap water with originally EC 0.1

As im changing nutrients lineI heard some suggest flush when flips or change nutrients to get rid of salt.
every time I fed, it takes one week to let the soil dry.
I heard when first two weeks of flowering, ppl use GH 3parts equally.
If I flush when flip, my plant is not getting anything to eat for at least 7 days.
will this be anything bad? any advise is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
your are overly concerned with DWC methods in a soil grow,
I have never heard of a soil grower using DWC shit in his soil...
always room for a first, as in most cases soil has got what the plant requires
...with the occasional top up of nutes over the grow period

Sure do a flush to my blog:

ph your waters first, the plant will be ok with no nutes for a week or so


Well-Known Member
your are overly concerned with DWC methods in a soil grow,
I have never heard of a soil grower using DWC shit in his soil...
always room for a first, as in most cases soil has got what the plant requires
...with the occasional top up of nutes over the grow period

Sure do a flush to my blog:

ph your waters first, the plant will be ok with no nutes for a week or so
Thanks for your advise, and your flush journal is awesome!

Can I mix calmag with GH 3 parts when feed?


Well-Known Member
You could use jacks classic or miracle grow and be just fine in soil..

Generally speaking though, cal-mag+ has all overlapping ingredients with GH flora series. If you need more calcium, you can use more flora micro. Both flora micro and cal-mag source their calcium from calcium nitrate, making cal-mag sort of useless. Flora bloom and grow contain the magnesium, and more can be supplemented cheaply with magnesium sulfate.


Active Member
You can mix them together just follow the directions on the bottle and don't forget to adjust your pH to around 6.5 synthetic nutrients tend to drop the pH down into the danger zone that causes root burn and nutrient lockout so invest in a pH pen and some good pH up and down I like Advanced Nutrients it is more concentrated then General Hydroponics so you have to use less making it last longer... I would also recommend checking the pH of your fresh water I like to lower mine down to 6.5 to promote proper growth