change of lighting.


Active Member
have some blue cheese under flou lights on 24hrs a day in veg.I would like to change the light to a 600hps and have it on 18/6 will this shock them or send them into early flowering?:confused:


Well-Known Member
nahhh ..

but maybe do it a bit at the time if possible .. a hr a day maybe ..

I have a similar set up (T5HO and 600W HPS)

if you boath changes light color/kelvin and to a strong light and changes from 24/7 to 12/12 would stress em ..

but I do it a littel like you ..

I run my T5 24/7 fist week .. then switch to 20/4 .. for 3-4 weeks ..

then when I want to flower em I throw the HPS in on 18/6 and use a week to turn that down to 12/12 ..


Well-Known Member
No but dont just do it, keep the light far away the first night and go 23/1 than 22/2 than 21/3 each night until you get to 18/6 and move the light a little closer each day as well. Dont just blast them into what you want to avoid issues. They are used to flo their system is used to it so take it slow let them adapt also dont forget you are going to use more water as well you are very much speeding things up for them.