change of location/chances of hermi/ any 1 chopped with 70/30 (brown) pistils


Active Member
Ok so 'my frend' had to take his plant out where it was growing as people where smelling it, well he had to wack it in the shed with really shit/low wattage, he was about a week away till harvest (only a small plant probs about 1/2 oz dry) still a few white pistils ect, but where its moved to theres a few peoblems these are

1. theres spiders in there
2. Not complete darkness
3. Low light watts

The chances of it turning hermi are at a higher risk, how many days do you reackon you could get away with not complete 12hours of darkness before it hermis,

And has any 1 chopped there plant with white pistils id say 70% (brown) 30% (white) (( no less probably a bit more % on the brown side)))


Well-Known Member
Spiders keep real pests away from your crops. I always leave them when they establish themselves in my grow room, if possible.

Not complete darkness is a pretty big issue. Aluminum foil and aluminum foil tape can solve that easily.

I go more by bud development. Because different parts of the plant will have different ratios of hairs. Some areas can be complete red/brown and others completely white. I've noticed if you just let it grow, the red hair buds will explode with new white hairs and just get fatter and fatter to a point. Most of the fan leaves will die off, then I harvest it.


Active Member
Most of the lower bud areas are brown pistils jus the main cola top part has white hairs, i dont no weather to harvest it slightly eariler because of the light situation i cant make it complete darkness ive done my best but when lights go out its like as if the plant was in shade not complete darkness for another 3 hours, how long would you say the plant could deal with that untill it starts going bad (hermi's/re-vegs) so far its only been 1 night,,


Well-Known Member
Plants need daily periods of 10-12 hour darkness in order to continue producing the hormones for flowering.


Active Member
so if i cant give it complete 10-12 hours darkness its not goin to continue flowering, thus meaning the buds will stop growing and the white pistils wont turn brown so i might aswell give it the chop chop.


Well-Known Member
Brown paper bag, black trash bags, etc. You really can't conceive of a way to eliminate leaking light?

Then again, if you think it's ready, chop 'er down!


Active Member
just wack a black sack over the plant, i fort of it and was a bit hmmm , didnt no if it would harm her or make the buds smell and taste plasticy,,, this is gonna be my first harvest and always been lead to belive about the pistils got to be brown before you harvest, and with my theres still a few white hairs, im gonna get a mag glass today av a look a the trics,