Changing light cycle

I changed from 18hrs to 12/12 ah week ago,I have lights operating from 8pm to 8am and now have realised would be better from 8am to 8pm.
I want to change them,Will it have ah negative effect on my plants?
Is there ah process for doing this in order to keep stressing them to ah minimal?


Well-Known Member
An hour a day?? As turn your lights off first day 7am then on 7pm . Then work your way backwards . Hour a day. I think would be the least stressful . Ive done it to change it by 2 or 3 hours , but not a full 12. Hopefully someone who has will chime in.


Well-Known Member
Doing it the slow way is what I would do if I had time.

Or leave the lights off when they are supposed to turn on, and boom it’s done. Turn them on when your want them. But don’t leave them on until you want them. They will get too much light. Less is better