Changing (Lowering) Light Intensity


Well-Known Member
I am vegging currently with 4x CREE CXB 3590, in Hempie buckets. I did some calculations (I will be flowering outdoors!) that I need to wait until June 1st to put them outside, otherwise they would re-veg.

"Problem": The plants grow at an insane speed and I I have to look that I somehow can slow the growth rate down.

I can dim down my LEDs (range would be 1750mA to 850mA, 50%). I already did calculations, even entirely dimmed down it would be more than plenty for vegging for my area.

My only concern is whether dimming lights has any negative effect. Do I need to accustom the plants to the light gradually getting a little lower? Someone somewhere mentioned that different light intensity means the plants do re-arrange leaves or something. Is it possible to screw up a grow by changing light intensity?

* Could I (in addition to dimming down the LEDs) also move the lights higher up or would the plants then start to stretch?

*** In case you wonder: So basically with the currently crazy grow rate I have to keep them in the greenhouse at least for another month, the entire May! Then, June 1st, I put them outside, and they will still veg for at least another month and only start flowering late July. So the plants will likely become extremely large. This is not "bad" per se, but I am still looking to somehow keep this under control, at least as long as they're in the greenhouse w/ the LEDs.


Well-Known Member
Topping and pruning will help by slowing vertical growth and making bushy bushes that are going to be a challenge moving by then. Could have done a whole crop first. Starting seeds now for June more manageable. Damn helicopters!