Changing plant count half way through Med Card?

A simple phone call to you local pd will tell if they honor high plant counts. Most will say they honor state paper work...
My attorney said you can have 6 for Rec & 6 for med, but I don't know that I trust that completley.. I think that probably depends on your local PD and how busy they are/there views on it. Although he did say that it's better to stay a littler lower than your recommended plant count, it develops a "cushion"

My neighbor is growing 6 for medical & 6 for rec in her windowsills. (not technically legal) She had some people break in last winter & called the cops.. In the end she got all of her plants back & everything stolen & the local PD was on her side although they were in the windowsill & never gave her any trouble.

Ivtoker, I like the input/advice.

Fly, I do agree with what you said for the most part, but based off what my attorney has told me (not personal experience) "A20 is very lenient; there is no set rule. A medical patient can have as much as medically necessary." Essentially what he told me is that as long as its not on a federal level you can fight it in court and win, but if on a federal level then very hard to win the case.
What is your opinion on this?
A lot of the reason I initially got my red card is because of what he told me, I figured it gave me more rights & protected me more as opposed to being a rec user.?
Although you disagree with me & SnapsProvolone, I do appreciate you NOT being a FCKING DICK & instead just stating your opinion.