Characteristics of Root Bound Plants


Well-Known Member

I am currently working on my first grow and my plant (day 17) seems to always be slightly droopy. Today when I came back from school it was extremely droopy and I fear i may have overwatered it, causing it to become rootbound.

Do you know the characteristics of a root-bound plant? I really am not sure how to tell. =/.


Well-Known Member
bumpbump. Nobody has a clue?

Ah, something related I found somewhere on this site is that overwatering causes the ends of the leaves to curl downward like a dead spider while underwatering causes the stems/branches to droop. Can anyone validate this?

My branches never seem completely straight, they're always a bit droopy.
Overwatering and underwatering have nothing to do with ur plant becoming rootbound. Rootbound is when the plants roots need more room to grow or the plant is in a container that is too small for it's size.
A rootbound plant is basically gonna be small or unable to reach it's full potential. If ts root bound, the soil should be taken up by too many roots, and u can just big the plant up(if it has a strong fat stem) and the soil will remain intact and keep the shape of the pot. If u can see many roots that arent growing strait bcuz they are confined then u have a rootbound plant. Do u know wat size container u r growing in and the size of the plant? I can let u kno wat ur facing.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
confining root-mass only effects the plants size. as long as the plants nutritional/environmental needs are met, it will run it's course.