charas/hash vs cronic.... first grow (pic)

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
have you tryed bhang. i tryed some in varanasi back in 2004 during a trip. that stuff really got me high out of my mind.


Well-Known Member
hella yes!!!!
it was holi a few days back... festival of colors.... when the whole country is on bhang....

bhang for the ppl that dont know.... it is a paste made out of all weed plants male an female... all parts of the plant r used.... the paste is made with the help of a little milk and a lot of cane sugar.... this paste is used to make sweets, roti, lasi ( curd/yogart shake ), etc....

it was amazing.... i was drinking a sweet lasi with bhang through out the day... then at night v cut a male i had growing.... cooked it... made roti with it... i.e. whet an bhang used to make a kind of bread v eat....

it was a fun day:weed:

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
I saw a lot of weed growing in the wild in the state UP in north india. there were just rows and rows of 6' plants growing along the road side in the mountains. it was cool seeing so much weed growing as it naturally would.


Well-Known Member
I saw a lot of weed growing in the wild in the state UP in north india. there were just rows and rows of 6' plants growing along the road side in the mountains. it was cool seeing so much weed growing as it naturally would.
the cops have gotten really hard now..... most of the cultivated weed has been cut over the the last few years....
but u will still find wild weed growing all over the country.... after all it is literally a weed isnt it....

by the way what is ur say comparing really well grown weed and charas???
im at 20 days of flowering... gt no trichs as yet... never seen them... never smoked weed like that.... been smoking weed and charas for the last 6 years...

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
the cops have gotten really hard now..... most of the cultivated weed has been cut over the the last few years....
but u will still find wild weed growing all over the country.... after all it is literally a weed isnt it....

by the way what is ur say comparing really well grown weed and charas???
im at 20 days of flowering... gt no trichs as yet... never seen them... never smoked weed like that.... been smoking weed and charas for the last 6 years...
I've never smoked indian charas, the hash i've had here in the us was ok. i prefer to smoke high quality cannabis