charging mini split air con


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

I need my mini split re- gasing have any of you done this before i see there is a do it yourself type cannister on ebay?

As u all know my problem is i cant have a air con guy come an service it.


Well-Known Member
AC's since dumb nutz in the 80s and 90s were huffing the gas u have to have a speical premits to get the gas

the recharging cans for car acs were removed and reworked even becuase of the laws ........................u have a legal option have the person sign a non disclosure agreement (they are not law enforcement so they have no duty to report it ) if they sign that they do tell u own their ass for your legal bills ...........untill they sign u can refuse entire in the house u have this right ...........and just for safety ask to see the drivers ID this way u know where they live if your place gets robbed u know where to start

if asked u were doing feild work on thc and CBDs for the medical feild


Active Member
Find an ac guy you trust. You need special gauges to balance the pressures on both sides and charge the gas too I wouldn't touch it.


Well-Known Member
that is one part of it ,,,,,,,,,,,now u need the vacum pump to clear the lines and the set up release /filling valves
