
Hi Guys

Do you have any good charts I can follow for an indoor grow, I haven't found any yet, for example ?

Week 1- 3 (veg) - 18 hours light, 20 Canna A & B per 10 litres
Week 4 - 6 (veg) - 18 hours ...............................................
Week .........................................................................

which also includes when to use boost, PK, flush them etc

What be a great help, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys

Do you have any good charts I can follow for an indoor grow, I haven't found any yet, for example ?

Week 1- 3 (veg) - 18 hours light, 20 Canna A & B per 10 litres
Week 4 - 6 (veg) - 18 hours ...............................................
Week .........................................................................

which also includes when to use boost, PK, flush them etc

What be a great help, thanks.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but it has a 12 wk grow chart in here.!KEJkQKbQ!NBPznJUzN0po1rnm1rHjSEcOzQkmp-IimtQUQ0Q1Q7M
Or are you talking about this.!WJwnyJpL!ItE-Tx_rbCNQKF7PLsN0G1DFqz6Zw6qhxH0A080f81M
Thanks mike4c4, although not quite what I was after, brilliant information on these pdf files, a must to keep. Thankyou :)))))


Well-Known Member
image.jpg :cool: This a very basic chart of plant stages I use .
For seeds that not be of known genetics ( like bagseed )
These seeds are great to experiment on ( nutes , lights , etc. )

But for good strains some may have specifics ( research the strain characteristics )

Week 1 - light cycle 18/6 ( Seedling )
Week 2 - 4 18/6 veg ( FIM , TOP if necessary )
I flip around day 40 - 45 ( LST plant ) / prune undergrowth (a little )
------ 24 hours darkness - before new light cycle 12/12 -----------
Week 4 - 6 12/12
Week 7- 9 Modify to 11/13
( I feel that this helps my plants believe that the days ARE getting shorter and more prone to use the dark period to increase blooming. ) I have notice differences from doing regular cycles and longer night cycles.

Remember not to bounce back and forth during light cycles , stick to a consistent cycle. Possible Hermies can happen ! :o

There is room to experiment any way you want. You can go into flower straight 11/13 .
I have initiated some preflower by ADDING 2700k into veg lighting ( side light or actual floro tube lights ( small 10" / 12" cabinet light fixtures with 2700k ) across pots to provide this light freq. at canopy underside during veg cycles. It works for me. I do soil grows so if you have a setup like hydro or other this may not work. My tent / closet grows allow me to experiment easier.
Thanks Guys great info. Mike4c4 thanks for the files they DO actually provide a 12 week chart. Brilliant. Also, Budzbuddha thanks for the excellent tips as well.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question, does PK need adding on week 3 of flowering and every week after or just for that one week ?
You will have to add it every week. And remember the grow chart in there is a base line, some strains may need more or less nutes at times. But it gives you a good idea of what and how you should be doing it. best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys great info. Mike4c4 thanks for the files they DO actually provide a 12 week chart. Brilliant. Also, Budzbuddha thanks for the excellent tips as well.
I have other realy good books and charts on growing, if you like.


Well-Known Member
11/13 cycles during last 2 weeks (water only ) Before Chop Chop has been working great for me.
It works with most strains , my Grandmaster Kush seems ok. Experiment.

All good growers experiment. Keep a journal on your grows. It helps you know what works for you.