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Have a twisted idea, can you use ground cannabis as breading? Example would be dipping shrimp in egg and then rolling in pot then into deep fryer?
No, I don't think so. My foray into raw cannabis as edible was to dump an ounce into a pot of spaghetti I'd made for my boyfriend and his friends. So I served them their spaghetti and they were there chewing and chewing. I asked how it was and they assured me it was fabulous.

I grabbed my bowl and sat down, took one bite and spit it right back in my bowl screeching about it being inedible. LOL they were so sweet to me too. They were kind of afraid of the alternately crying and raging redhead. They assured me it was so good and they dutifully chowed down their entire bowls. I dumped mine back in the pot.

But you hear you can't get high without decarbing but these guys were wasted. They couldn't move until mid morning. Looking back it's very funny but at the time I was so upset about the waste of 10 bucks of pot and a pot of great spaghetti :lol: