Cheap CFL Lights


Well-Known Member
I seen some 23w cfls at the dollar store. Only thing is, there not name brand and they look small compared to my other ones. Think they will do the same work? Its more less lumens correct?


Well-Known Member
yea....i know what ur talkin about...i say that cheap dollar store cereal taste damn good so id say u have any doubts get a lumen tester...may be a good tool for u to have anyways so yea..lummens is lummens


Well-Known Member
drop $120 bucks and get a hps system. It will pay for itself and then some by the end of the first grow and after that its all profit


Well-Known Member
If you can get an HPS system. If such systems are hard to find where you live (like me) I'd probably not get dollar store just because CFLs lose luminosity over time, and these might (would make sense) degrade alot faster. If they are REALLY cheap, and you only want one or two plants then it might work fine.