$$Cheap-chinese$$ diy led panels


Active Member
Gotta have a quick smoke break and back to drillin holes to run the wires to the drivers in total ill be running 20 drivers... 1 ten watt... 10 (4-5 )watt... and 8 (1-3) watt and i gotta buy drivers for the uv and ir



Active Member
Kool thanks for the link.. if yu need help using the multimeter take pic of it and ill guide yu through it



Active Member
The past couple days been rough fighting a head cold... broke my metal blade on the jig saw... guess ill get back to my build in a day or two... just going through the diy forums... seems like there isnt that many actually building their own panels... idk but at the prices i cant turn it down.. especially since i recycle old parts for my build... such as heatsinks.. wires.. fans.. power cords.. anyways ill keep reading and might post some pics of the type of panel/array im coming up for my next build



Active Member
Ok wanted to throw some pics up of some of the stuff ive been looking at for future builds like this passive cooling set up...




Active Member
Thank you very much for the link.... looking at some of the 300 watt six channel drivers... but i did the math on the driver yu suggested its short about 13v (50*1watt running lets say max 3.6v =180v the one you suggested will do appreciate it... i was dreaming up a project with that 6 channel driver... could run 6 50watt chips/cobs running 36v throw in a 12v fan its 48v what each channel would consume...
http://www.mosousa.com/home.php?cat=29 heres the link hope it works



Well-Known Member
Yeah it was a guestimation on my half, since the various chips have different Vf's I didn't know what you would need. That 6 channel driver would be a beast I would have so much fun with that. I wonder how much they cost?


Active Member
Seems like they want us to contact them... i plan on running all white panel just to see the diff myself.. i did see a 200v one but that would leave twenty volts for fans... but i like to run seperate driver for fan in case of failure
