30 ppfd is splitting hairs dude. Sounds like you may have other issues at hand
150w, to 300w is a huge jump in ppfd my dude. That’s why your plants were stressed.
Lol, yeah. It would be. I was saying I raised the dimmer from 150 umol on the meter to 300 as they are in full veg. I was trying for a dli of 21 with 300 umol at 20 hrs..View attachment 4930923
Thanks again for the link. They went down a few bucks so just grabbed one for $259.84 after tax with free delivery. Should be a really helpful tool.Yeah man
Photobio Advanced Quantum PAR Meter
Buy Photobio Advanced Quantum PAR Meter now at Indoor Farmer!indoorfarmer.ca
I saw the laughing, just assumed he was confused.I see salmon the troll who doesn’t even grow is still following along.
I saw the laughing, just assumed he was confused.
Oh wait....
Vi la risa, solo asumí que estaba confundido.
Thanks man and thanks again for making the post. Got my medical license in and this tool will really help me dial some shit in.He made a crying post 3 months ago saying he’s leaving because his language wasn’t welcome here. But he’s still here I see
Anyways. Enjoy the sensor man it’s a great tool to have.
Hello BK78! Thanks for the great info I just ordered myself this PhotoBio PAR Quantum sensor from Indoor Farmer.. Sure sounds like a great little tool for a decent price! Is it still working good after a few months now? Also just wondering if you've ever had the chance yet to compare with the Apogee 500? Thanks again,I’ll have the data this weekend at some point. It’s very well built too
Hello BK78! Thanks for the great info I just ordered myself this PhotoBio PAR Quantum sensor from Indoor Farmer.. Sure sounds like a great little tool for a decent price! Is it still working good after a few months now? Also just wondering if you've ever had the chance yet to compare with the Apogee 500? Thanks again,
Ahh, Ok, gotcha. Well thx again for the info, can't wait to start dialing things in even better once it arrives..Still working great yeah
Ive compared my pulse pro with the apogee, so no need to do it with this as I’d have to “rent“ my friends to do so.