Cheapest effective cooling methods (air conditionair/evaporated fans)?


Well-Known Member
So anyways here is my problem I currently have a 4x4x6.8 foot tent, anyways this tent is in a closet and its a mega tight fit. But here is the deal, I have 2 lights: one a 1000 Watt LED SUPERNOVA ES, and then a 600 Watt HPS, well this HPS is really really hot, with just the led on my room goes 75-81(82) and its very nice, however when I turn on my HPS it goes up almost instantly like damn 93-97! Anyways im at loss as to what to do, I have a AC, but its a window one, so it pumps heat and as such its counteracting its purpose. Eitherway could a evaporative cooler work? Whats cheap and effective, im moving come February and as such cant make some alteration to the place.

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Active Member
if I have you specs right......4 feet wide, 4 feet deep, 6.8 feet tall.........dude, way too much in that small of a contained area. It might work if you have a portable 10k btu air conditioner instead of the window one. There are many variables, to cover like your exhaust. What kinda cfm fan are you using to draw from that carbon filer? CO2 will help your plants with photosynthesis and temperatures. I suggest you look into exhale bags, mycelium fungus lets off co2 as a byproduct. I would suggest also to lose the hps until you either have more room for air space and travel, can control you temps better, or buy better a/c


Active Member
4" fan I see......under 200 cfm for sure. You need a vortex fan, at least a 6". ditch the reducer? if you have one. Also carbon filters are better to push through instead of sucking through.


Well-Known Member
4" fan I see......under 200 cfm for sure. You need a vortex fan, at least a 6". ditch the reducer? if you have one. Also carbon filters are better to push through instead of sucking through.
ya im going to talk about having such low air

Grumpy browser was all fucked up last night, made another posts a few did not appear. Sorry for repost, although by this thread I intended to ask SOLELY about which coolers are good, ala whats the best cheap portable AC.