cheapest way to make a grow room


Active Member
I used 2x2s and panda poly, less than $50 definitely. You can check out how I did it in my journal, just click the link in my sig.


Active Member
heres a pic of my cheap grow room

CFL's and T5 light hanging. White bristol board around and underneath to help with light reflection. used old VHS movies for stacking :) However I would get more light than what I have, I plan on getting a few more cfls.



Well-Known Member
I have made walls out of scrap 2x2's and cardboard painted white. You can do this anywhere, in a corner or in a closet with bad doors (ie. sliding mirrors) and it cost me nothing. Only because the paint was left over in a five gallon bucket. Not the best idea to have hot lights and cardboard but be smart and think about it. I ran one system that was only supposed to be temporary for almost a whole year..So it can work..JR

The picture in my avatar is of that grow room..funny


Active Member
Go with a lot of DIY stuff ie making ur own hydro set u can find a lot of stuff being given away my fish owners if your gonna do a dwc