Cheapo DIY Chinese LED grow. 200w

thats the type of bug also known as a "sqaush bug" unusual they would lay eggs on MJ but yeah spray your plants down these are basically aphids.

i just looked up eggs for this Coreidae and they do not look the same, i am thinking they are moth eggs and just happened to land on that leaf, if you google "moth eggs" you come up with similar clusters and even the appearance of some of the magnified pictures look about the same shape/size/pattern as the ones i have as i looked at them @ 100x magnification
i just looked up eggs for this Coreidae and they do not look the same, i am thinking they are moth eggs and just happened to land on that leaf, if you google "moth eggs" you come up with similar clusters and even the appearance of some of the magnified pictures look about the same shape/size/pattern as the ones i have as i looked at them @ 100x magnification

there are so many species of this insect it would be hard to tell. just saying, you might be right(moths) but im pretty sure im right...
gas!!! where are ya man ?

anyways i hate to keep using your thread but the eggs hatched and they are larvea now, put some more grass in there for them to eat will see what developes
hey Gas, seems you have been away for a bit just wanted to let you know i started a thread. stop by if you want its nothing special. the link is in sig
Hey Gas. How's it going. I'm not sure how I missed this grow before! Nice work....Hope all's growing well with you wherever you're at. :)
Hey all, I'm well. Just taking a forumland break while the heat is up. Been busy with aquarium stuff and the like. Actually have a few plants going under ~100w of LED which seem to be braving the heat.


I'm sure I'll be back once the weather cools or once I finish out my current hatches and finish setting up the rest of my tanks.

Hope all is well with all of you.

Hey all, I'm well. Just taking a forumland break while the heat is up. Been busy with aquarium stuff and the like. Actually have a few plants going under ~100w of LED which seem to be braving the heat.


I'm sure I'll be back once the weather cools or once I finish out my current hatches and finish setting up the rest of my tanks.

Hope all is well with all of you.

looks good man, glad all is well :) heat should be done soon its almost Oct. see ya when you get back
Awesome thread, just sat and read the lot. Am on the case myself - seduced by 10W emitters at $1-5 a piece (I think someone messed up cos I bought two 20W 3000k LEDs for 0.99 each with free pnp - next day 50 bucks lmao). Am taking about 220W of various types and whacking them onto some Aluminium I had laying about.
Hey Gast, I am glad to see that you are still playing with LEDs, what's your project for the winter? I think you will enjoy watching some of the plants I will be growing this winter, I recently purchase many seeds just to have diversity in my gardens!! Anyway, looking forward to see how well you will do with your DIY LEDs. Cheers buddy :bigjoint:
Hey all,

Still keeping myself busy with fish while it's hot (we're still hitting 100+ for days at a time :( ).

Purchased another LED strip but this time just for my fish. $30 for 12x1w (actual 12w of power so I assume 1.5w diodes?) with lenses... grows aquatic plants great:


Using some of my DIY LEDs for aquatic plant grow out tanks as well and they work great. Actually more light than necessary for most aquatic plants:


"150w" (100w array +50w array), likely ~120 true watts has been covering these three guys and some more aquatic plants:


Seem to be doing a pretty decent job with some fairly frosty flowers.
looking just great man! those girls should plump up real nice for ya and that little light is perfect for the hot wheather eh good work man good work indeed :D
So I've had two of the 8 LED drivers fail now right at the 5 month mark. Still loving the arrays but I guess the drivers are pretty crappy - or at least unreliable. That being said I just ordered 10 LED flood lights. $1.10/w and they run 10x1w arrays. US seller with a 1 year warranty (still likely chinese crap but the warranty makes up for it). I just might be an LED convert in the making.

Here are the current plants under 150w

man forget drivers they break too much! mine looks very much like yours but I ripped a transformer out of an amplifier and cut the part of the amps circuitboard that I needed, frankensoldered with heatshrink and we're good to go!

man forget drivers they break too much! mine looks very much like yours but I ripped a transformer out of an amplifier and cut the part of the amps circuitboard that I needed, frankensoldered with heatshrink and we're good to go!


Haha...hes probably over this experiment now bruv...RIP gastanker...