Check Me Out


Well-Known Member
So, I posted a thread probably 3 weeks ago about my Garden. I live in hawaii Where this time of year we get about 12 hours of sunlight a day (ideal for flowering obviously) So during the day my plants remain on my sunny porch.(screened in but no where near bug tight) At night i bring them in and throw em under the t5 to keep em Vegging. I had developed a serious spider might problem and with the help of the HABANERO PEPPER I HAVE KILLED 99% of these bastards! Its no joke. This shit works. If you want info on how to make it an ratio just ask or you can find it on google just type in caliclean. If you have spider mites your an idiot if this is not the 1st step you take. IT WORKS.
Now, mites are not the reason I'm here I'm wondering whats going on with a couple of my plants. There new leafs on just one really which i will have a picture of below is looking mutated and curly and yellow and just overall shitty take a look down below. My ph is 6.0-6.3 my plants are in roots organic with a layer of sub cool super soil in the bottom of the pot(about half full super soil) Yesterday i fead my plants for the first time Age old kelp,epsom salts, & molasses ALL 1/4 strength as i thought this new twisted shitty growth might have something to do with not enough sulfur. ( in the sub cool recipe it called for epsom salts which i forgot to put in ....) So ya I'm wondering if anyones got opinions on this photos I'm posting. Keep in mind the damage almost resembles that of mite damage but I've looked with the scope and mites are dead and eggs granted theres always a couple stragglers but i spray every 4 days but anyway check em out below...

