check out my babies...first grow (masta kush)


Well-Known Member
tet mann...the biches are doing great....I bought another pot....from my peeps at the dro store....but when i got home... the mutherfucka was about the same size as the three gallon there in....give or take one or two inches taller...and its round....right now im on the muterfucker...i think i panicked alittle the last couple of leaves are perky again...although i have alot of lower shriveled,yellow, fan leaves...on the four footer....ima post some pics soon...but i dropped my yall bitches are gonna have to i knew id get an elite on here....tet...the way shits going...i think your gonna be surprised by how good im doing for my first expecting a big yield....ya gotta see em ....


Well-Known Member
hey cheezy, are your girls up for a friendly competition with my girls? maybe yield per plant or yield per square ft ? just something for bragging rights for a first grow.


Well-Known Member
like omg cheezy like your plants are like so fuckin hott... yea thats hott. like so hott hahahaha

happy now. and no i really dont talk like that. and if a bitch around me does they get pimp slapped... by me as i say... " DAMN NIGGA PLEASE! STOP WITH THAT JIBBA JABBA BITCH"
fo real


Well-Known Member
Peace....nice too see you could drop by.....You know i run your whole thread...its like my second


Well-Known Member
Well you dont have to read it all.....but i appreciate that hot house.....You have to appreciate what an explosive element this kush grow is.... a first grow...theres no telling whats liable to happen here....i got the shit outside....sometimes when im at home and able too watch them... cause with all my neighbors, the gas lady, cablemen and such... i cant risk exposure of the ladies....mind u i have three clones that are looking heathy(there on a diff light sched light on all night)....i been putiing alot of effort...moving the bitches around...You feel me?????...when im off work im usaully on line chatting it up hawking the girls(not real girls..... the plants dummy) outside...bringing them in at night... im getting off subject here..but i want to get yeild like you hot high...i gotta go...


Well-Known Member
NO worry cheezy!! Im high to and love to babble when I am, well I dont love to but I do it anyway..... Im gonna read the enitere journal because it is short enough right now that I can get completly cought up and really partisipate the way I like to! IM the same way with my time spent! But you probably already know that from my journal... Killing me right now not having a room to fuck around in!!! I need to get my grow going pronto!!!



Well-Known Member
I really tried to read your entire thread....i noticed you guys like to mess around, crack jokes, post pics..and what not...i was amazed by your yeild ...its truly a teatament to growers on riu... but before we start sucking each others dicks...i couldnt read the more than a thierd of the shit.....not to say its bad...its good.....but now im scribed so will be in status in 5 months..?? howd u do it....


Well-Known Member
all ya gotta do is donate... nothing much about elite...... felt like I owed something to the site, my grow success was deff due to people here... figure site gets money from me and that helps with improving servers and what not.


Well-Known Member
thougt i'd respond on your thread just to mess with people''s heads. it seems like we have a fair fight - outside plus fluoros vs. hps. i'll probably never match you in total yield but watch out on the efficiency tests.


Well-Known Member
they look nice man id love to grow outside but i got no garden ha.also the weather here is always crap


Well-Known Member
i have some pics today of the clones here.....I just topped the big one from lupe....shes just like her mother......i havnt seen new growth since i chopped her head first time topping....let see what happens.....i got some new pics of the ladies... ill post soon.....



Well-Known Member
Aaaaaaaaalllllllll bbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee mmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssseeeeeelllllllllfffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
T5s are a type of light, Pretty sure just a strong florescent..Those look very nice.Are you indoor,or out? I did outdoor once 12 years ago and haven't done anything until this year! I did all soil its forgiving and they are looking good. Any suggestions or questions feel free!!


Well-Known Member
I was doing that with my N.L. but started having critter problems now she stays inside.. Im in week four what about you?