you can use your hps whenever you are ready your plants will love the extra light if you can keep temps want your plants bushy use a mh conversion spectrum causes green color,bushiness and nodes together,using the red spectrum will make it leggy and spread the nodes further apart..When using dixie cups, how long should the seedlings stay in there for?
Im just set up my 400hps yesterday in a 3x3 space.
Can I Start using that right away? or how long do I have to use cfl's?
I have 6 twist 26watt cfl 6500k..
What should I do to get my plants looking all bushy like everyone elses?
I just got my order of seeds yesterday too.. 10 thc bomb seeds!!
wow! you sure?1 not doubting you but damn that's lucky!Soooo.... turns out all my plants are female, I was counting on at least 6 of em males... Now I have 16 plants in a 3x3 space... what should I do? leave em or cull the weakest ones?