Check Out My Grow! Let Me Know What You Think

Well-Known Member

my lumatek bulb burnt out yesterday after only 2 months :cry:

and they cant say its cause of the ballast because i use only lumatek..

this sucks and since i bought it off the internet i have to ship it to them and they got to ship me a new one so im looking at a week maybe more down one light



Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
Sorry to hear about the bulb dude, but your plants look great. I'm interested to see how gravity works out for you, keep us updated.


WOWWW....... I have had my 400 lumatek running for about 1 1/2 months.... I'm thinking of having a spare cheapie hps bulb on hand just in case mine burns out... Thx for the update..

Well-Known Member
sorry for the delay but heres an update. the big ones are about a week out from harvest the little ones are in week 3 or 4 of flowering i think, and the medium sized ones are only 4 days behind the big ones but they have been groing under florescent untill just recently. the Gravity additive i am using seems to be working good but i am running into a mold problem and i might have to harvest early. enjoy the pics.

Well-Known Member
Wow...Looks amazing. How is that hardener working? I'm thinking of trying it out with my next grow.
well i think its doing its job but it is hard to tell because im also using co2 for the first time. but the buds are defiantly getting denser than the crop b4

How long do you veg for again?
i usually veg till the plants are about 6 to 10" tall or about a week after i transplant from 3 1/2" pots to three gallon pots.

Well-Known Member

just switch strains to Humbolt Kush... looks promising.... the big batch in back is the last of the dutch passion blueberry(GOOD RIDDANCE)..... enjoy the pics



Active Member
Hey Corey, you asked how mine was going but I decided to quit my are a couple update pics.

First pic is of the ones three weeks in flower.

On the left are fresh transplants from today...the larger ones are three weeks in flower...same veg time
