Check out my pics


Well-Known Member
Gonna be taking clones off of my White Widow today. If I can I'll put up some pics either today or tomorrow. I'm gonna try and get 4 clones, 2 inches apiece. I will be taking directly from the tops and placing them in a seed starter with humidity dome. I use Jiffy pellets and TakeRoot cloning powder w/3 drops of Superthrive. I cut the clones, place them in h2o w/Superthrive for 15 minutes. I place 1/4 tsp. of powder in the pellet with the 3 drops of ST on top of that. I place the clones under the humidome w/24 hrs. light for 5-7 days, then I flower.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Chewwy, I'm gonna start a SOG when I find a fridge with a bottom loading freezer. Then I'll use the freezer for clones and the fridge for flowering them. I figured I could prob. do 9-12 at a time.


Well-Known Member
Well, I had taken 10 clones from my little girl, but the guy I'm working with on this project killed them. No biggie, they were his cut of the harvest and he understands that. But, here are some updated pics of MY girl. She has been flowering for 9 days. What do y'all think?:leaf:+:blsmoke:=:mrgreen:

Picture 001.jpg

Picture 006.jpg

Picture 003.jpg

Picture 004.jpg

Picture 002.jpg

Picture 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
I also planted 4 more yesterday. I can't wait to see what they are. I had 14 seeds, so far the first five have been female. Maybe the rest are to.*crosses fingers*
Probably not, but wouldn't that be nice.