!!~!Check Out My Set-Up!!Pics Inside!!Innovative CFL SOG!!!!!!~


New Member
Ok...so I just bought two of those metal light sockets with reflectors at Home Depot...with some 30 W "Bright White"CFLs.....I plan on vegging my seeds with 24 hours under three of these fixtures,with a CFL thrown in using a normal lamp socket!!So thats four CFL's,each 24W or maybe 30W!!

Those 30 W cost me alot of money though,so I might just go with the 24s...anyways is this enough light to VEG like 10 small plants?Or maybe just like 3 plants??

Also,do you think its better if I took the reflector out,and just put the light bulb hanging there??



Active Member
I have used those same lights and they work okay, your buds wont be as dense of course and you will yeild much less. unless ur flowering under HID. But the most i ever did under CFL was 2 plants. do you use anything in your soil?


New Member
Oh ok...so do you think these light sockets are good quality?Also,I plan on flowering under a 150W HPS....but yeah,how good do you think plants veg under CFL's??Do they stretch at all?And my soil is coco with perlite and some manure..


Active Member
Yea your set-up will suffice. If i were you i would atleast get a little more juice for your HPS. plants veg pretty good under CFL just depends how much light theyre getting and how close u have the lights. Dont move them to far away or they will stretch like a mother fucker. If u can figure out a way 2 put some mylar in there to reflect more light. As far as soil, im not a big soil guy but ive heard bat guano works awesome. So do foxfarm products.


New Member
Ok..so are these lights enough?Remember this aint my pic,cus I dont have plants right now!But Ima grow them something like this,and then flower under a 150W HPS....sounds good??

Also,Ima only have 4 lights on em'..one is 30W,and maybe the rest might be 24W...but Im trying to make atleast one of the lights higher wattage!!


Active Member
at the depot and walmart they sell the 150w equivs for like 8 bucks if you're looking to go higher . . . i veg with 4 of those


New Member
Ok..Ima look out!Anyways,the highest one I saw was the 30W which is equal to 120W!!Its decent...it is in the "Brillinat White"..which is right in the middle of Soft White and Day Light...ssry if i dont make sense I just smoked 3 blunts of blueberry!!


Active Member
im only on my second grow so maybe someone with more experience can say otherwise but i think you'll do fine


New Member
I aint goin nowehere folks...hell Ima start a Grow diary!!Here I go!!

I currently have 2 seeds of White Rhino,1 seed of Purple Kush,3 Seeds of Orange Bud,and 1 Seed of a rather tasty and frosty blueberry!!


Well-Known Member
Ok listen up man. Get the 6500k daylight cfls at Lowes They come in packs of 2 for like 10 bucks. Make sure its 6500k cuz this is the spectrum of cfl that they like.

I veged under cfl for a month, only 3 26 watters. check out my grow journal and you can see what a month and a half under cfl will do. and you must remember i cut 28 clones of of these four girls and they grew back and filled out quickly.

I think cfl light is good for veg boxes and motherboxes. That HID will serve you well when you flower tho.

If you want my 2 cents on soils and the like just holler. There are some ph things you should know before you grow in soil.


Well-Known Member
Heres what a T5 will do for ya in veg. 25 seedlings and a few clones after 2 weeks.
What are they potted in. Did you use cups for all of them or do i see grow bags back there? IF so what size grow bag did you use.

Im thinking about getting t5's to veg. I need a place where i can veg clones till they get about 10 inches.


Well-Known Member
Are you gonna flower em in the one gal bags, if so what kinda light are you using to flower.
Nope I leave them in the one gallon till sexed or desired hieght and transplant them to either 3 or 5 gallon bags or pots. Just using the t5 for veg. Got 1800 watts h.p.s to flower. 1 1000 watt sun agro in a air cooled hood and 1 400 watt hortilux on each side in a bat wing. Get about 4 ounces a week using this method.

P.s sorry crazyoutlaw I swear I wasnt tryin to jack ur thread. and sweet avatar!


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Well-Known Member
you should look into a strain that yields more, you could be getting more than 3.5 lbs ever 60 days with that much light. I have 2 1000w hps, my first grow i wopped 2.5 in 60 days and that was a real shitty grow, kinda a learning experience. It was Kali Mist tho, so it was a heavy yielder. This time around i got a mix of blue satellite, and Cindy 99. The Cindy is a heavy yielder, and the satellite is a nice blue strain with soaring highs. What are you growin if i may ask?