Check out the cold water hash I made last night.


Active Member
This is the hash I got last night doing 2 runs with my bags. They are called "sprung bags" and im pretty happy with them. Did not want to pay the expensive price for the name brand bags.

Top left is 25 micron
Top right is 73 micron
Middle left and Bottom left is 110 micron
Bottom right is 160 micron

We also got another patty of the 25 micron but I took the pic before the bag was finished draining. Some of my plants got really messed up this year, I dunno why, so I chopped up the whole plant to make hash with. The has is mixed with like a plant of trainwrek that got ruined, some hindu skunk, and some casey jones. The mixture was trim and nugz. Im pretty happy with the results.



Active Member
have you smoked it yet how is it?
LOL i just quit smoking on Monday! Grrrr. So no I haven't smoked this yet, but I have made about 4 or 5 other batches and smoked that stuff. It knocks you on your ass lets just say that. Oh yea anf if you do not have to worry about getting drug tested for work, please don't ever stop lol.


Active Member
that looks pretty sweet man. how much material did you use and how much hash did it yield?
Well I used a whole plant of trainwrek, not really sure how much, but it was like half a paper bag full. I had about 2 bags about that full. I actually just weighed it last night and got
around 30 grams. I know I got a little more than that cuz I didn't weigh all of it. But around there. Some of the has is getting really strong smelling while its curing, super sticky to.


Well-Known Member
sweet. where did you get your bags? i am looking for some and i also dont want to shell out the cash for the name brand. how did you dry the product out? any tips or pointers you learned while making it? did you grind up your material? did you dry it our first? sorry if my questions are annoying.


Active Member
sweet. where did you get your bags? i am looking for some and i also dont want to shell out the cash for the name brand. how did you dry the product out? any tips or pointers you learned while making it? did you grind up your material? did you dry it our first? sorry if my questions are annoying.
No problem dude I like helpin. I got the bags from Comes with 5 nags all together. They are priced at 80 bucks shipped, got here in like 2 or 3 days. The bags actually come with a drying screen to lay the hash on. I put the drying screen on a piece of carboard which was labeled with the micron sizes. Basically to get the hash I just used business cards and scraped it out by putting the bag on top of a hard surface. It can be a bit messy at times but works well. Regarding the dank I used, I trim it up but not to much so that I get veg. matter in the product. If the trim is to fine it can go through the filters into the hash, which is all bad. I have used fresh stuff and dry stuff and havent seen much of a difference to be honest. But from what I have seen, fresh trim should be used, and if there is a chance of mold on it, it should go in the freezer for like a couple days, which is suppose to kill most of the mold. But if there is no mold on the trim, I just throw it in the freezer for a little bit to get the trim a little more brittle. Tahts it


Well-Known Member
word thanks for the tutorial. nothing like hearing about something from someone who already has done it. what hash was the best in your opinion? what did you like/ dislike about the diferrent hashes. +rep for great info and patient answers.


Active Member
word thanks for the tutorial. nothing like hearing about something from someone who already has done it. what hash was the best in your opinion? what did you like/ dislike about the diferrent hashes. +rep for great info and patient answers.
For sure the 73 micron and the 110 micron are the best. Super sticky, bubbles when you hit it, and melts. The 25 micron bag picks up to much "mud". Since it the filter is so fine, its not straight trichomes, but still gets you hella blazed. The 160 bag picks up some good stuff buy I only get like a gram or 2 out of that bag. So the 73 and 110 is where its at lol.