Copied from the Azomite website, hope it helps some... They don't really list the amounts in "per square foot"... but here's what I found
General Recommendations
When preparing soil, customers have reported an average of 30% improvement with AZOMITE® treatment at the rate of 1/4 cup per plant. For larger areas, we recommend two 44 lb bags per acre (based on rows approximately 18" apart with plants 12" apart). If the bed is established, sprinkle around each plant. AZOMITE® should be applied with compost, humus, manures, or other fertilizers to provide additional levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. AZOMITE® will not burn plants. For houseplants, mix 1 teaspoon per 2 inch pot diameter with potting soil before planting. Give 1 teaspoon quarterly thereafter. For roses, start with 1/4 lb. to the soil around each plant and lightly till into soil.
Rec. Per Acre and "Field Crops"
Recommended initial application is 75 - 150 pounds per acre , followed by an annual maintenance level of half the original application. Titration studies report more AZOMITE® is better. While not justified for most field crops, certain high value crops may warrant initial application up to 2 tons per acre.
Rec. for Trees Shrubs and general Vine, Citrus and Fruit Crops
Apply annually to all trees on ground surface under the drip line at the rate of 1 to 5 pounds, depending on the tree size. Double the application for decline or blight stricken trees. For grapes, apply 1/2 lb. to 1 lb. to the soil around each plant and lightly till into soil.
Also hope you enjoy my pic from my outdoor veggies, Cucumbers weighed ~8+lbs each, and the Zucchini's averaged ~15lbs! And yes, they had Azomite AND organic fertilizers