Check this out any help would be great


Well-Known Member
ALRIGHT so I've come across some broad mite threads...?
spider/broad mites are a bitch when indoor, especially in hawaii. Look for small white/black stuff left behind on your leaves ect. If you have been near outdoor mj plants in the westside/central oahu, mites are extremly common. I have gotten them a few times. Since then i dont care for even stepping/looking in a friends garden. Fuck that. Little bastards getting stuck in-between trichomes is a heavy turn off for me. Especially spider mites that get far enough to web up cola's!


Well-Known Member
im gunna post some update photos in a coupledays i sprayed doctor doom to heavy on one plant an fried it i tried another today from a further distance ill keep ya posted fuck these mites i live north shore maui


Well-Known Member
my plants are kekei so I'm trying to get em now how did you treat and deal with them? pics coming in a couple days. i sprayed doctor doom today as lights go out so ill get the pics up. ANYBODY ELSE HAVE TO FIGHT THESE BASTARDS BEFORE?


Well-Known Member
my plants are kekei so I'm trying to get em now how did you treat and deal with them? pics coming in a couple days. i sprayed doctor doom today as lights go out so ill get the pics up. ANYBODY ELSE HAVE TO FIGHT THESE BASTARDS BEFORE?
most likely the two spotted spider mite. Extremly common here and attack almost anything green with dead matter and fruits. Make a big ass bucket of water with some h202 in at at a ratio of atleast 1part h20w to 8 parts water in a big bucket. Dip your plants upside down into them, then saturate the soil with it. Do it to all your plants. After done, neem oil the entire plant! Do not miss not even a square mm. After that you will have to bleach water clean EVERYWHERE THAT ANY PLANT HAS BEEN IN AND/OR AROUND YOUR HOUSE. If not they WILL be back. You cannot step into your friends room anymore.


Well-Known Member
i give them regular h202 sprays 5to 1 ratio an beam not one after the other though thats a good idea. I Sprayed one sample plant with doctor doom an it seems to have somewhat liked it so I'm gnna hit the rest of my girls with it tonight and post pics on my day off tuesdays as my chef took his finger off with a robocoop so I'm pulling 60 hour weeks : 0 $$$$ but hey man question i have like 16 seedlings from great genetics just showing there first set of try leave that spend time directly near my affected plants : ( there o other way for me to garden them. How can i protect them from the jump? beam dip and h202 like you said? and whats the best ratio?pics coming soon mahalo


Well-Known Member
i give them regular h202 sprays 5to 1 ratio an beam not one after the other though thats a good idea. I Sprayed one sample plant with doctor doom an it seems to have somewhat liked it so I'm gnna hit the rest of my girls with it tonight and post pics on my day off tuesdays as my chef took his finger off with a robocoop so I'm pulling 60 hour weeks : 0 $$$$ but hey man question i have like 16 seedlings from great genetics just showing there first set of try leave that spend time directly near my affected plants : ( there o other way for me to garden them. How can i protect them from the jump? beam dip and h202 like you said? and whats the best ratio?pics coming soon mahalo
H202 doesnt kill eggs. And YES they will easily transfer from one plant to the other. Neem oil kills eggs.


Well-Known Member
ever heard of doctor doom? So I'm spraying with doctor doom tonight then again potentiLLY IN a coupleryth days depending on how the plants react a day after the second treatment I'm gunna spray EVERY INCH of these plants with h202 3percent diluted 1 to 5 or so ratio then immediately after they dry from that I'm gunna mix some n e am and pray the hell out of everything. reapply neam regularly until population is hopefully under control. also layered up my top soil with de. can't hurt. I have tuesday off i will have GOOD photos check em an any help would be wicked, I'm also gunna see I'm trying hard to figure this out