check this out please need input (pics)

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
h this is my LaDiva 6.5ph seedling soil/plus some other soil from garden shop
cfl setup (spotty leaves not on all only some)

should i be worried any one know whats up please asap
what should or could i do?



Well-Known Member
i think that is some sort of nute problem, shouldnt worry to much, leaves tend to wither during budding, looking good..


Well-Known Member
Yeps - same. I wouldn't worry too much about that, if it's only on a few plants. If all plants were like that you would have had a general problem. On one plant i would do nothing but not grow that strain/phenotype anymore and keep grow the ones that really grow nicely.
Those spots could have been caused by: ph-unbalance for a period, cold, lack of micro nutrients (what is causing the spots - cold and unbalanced ph causes a lack)


Well-Known Member
i had this same problem on my first grow, at end of flowering all plants were affected and looking pretty sick, now my mother has it alittle bit and all my clones are starting to get theese spots. so this is a nute def due to ph problems?