Check This Out


Active Member
about four weeks old...

leaves growing in the nodes (between the stalk and the stems)..may i know what that means?



Well-Known Member
when they get big enough you can clip them off and call them your baby clones.. Put them in rockwool cubes and wait for them to root! gl


Well-Known Member
yea i heard u use the top i hadent herd about usin the side branches learn somthin new every day on here :hump:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I cloned mine with side branches, have 10 good ones too!. I waited until at least 4 branches started up the main stalk, clipped the bottom one so not too much stress on the plants. Just clip, dip them in cloning gel and stick em in a medium. I use these organic plug like things., They look like a peat pot but they are more moist and the roots are easy to come through them. Put them in a try and uder a light. In about 2 weeks you should see some roots. I mist mine daily too with just distilled water, and check the moisture content as you don't want too moist or the roots will go rotten.
Good luck,