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Marijuana guide 2011
Sativa origins: Columbia, Mexico, South Africa.
Sativa characteristics: Tall plants, Long grow cycle, Mental buzz, Original Cannabis species.
Indica origins: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China.
Indica characteristics: Short bushy plants, Fast grow cycle, Body buzz, Domesticated Cannabis species.
Best germination temperature: 78F
Optimal veg temperature: 75F – 80F
Optimal bloom temperature: 78F
Optimal Ph: 7
Optimal humidity: 40%-45%
Optimal veg light cycle: 18/6
Optimal bloom light cycle: 12/12
Blue light spectrum: veg cycle
Red light spectrum: bloom cycle
Stomata: C02 absorbing pores on underside of leaves

CFL Light Guide:
Daylight 6500k – blue light spectrum, simulates MH light
Soft white 2700k – red light spectrum, simulates HPS light
26w CFL = 100w incandescent
Spiral CFL = vertical hang
CFL’s should be no further than 4” from plant for optimal growth
To calculate how many bulbs are needed for your grow, use the following formula:
150w for the first plant and add 50w for each additional plant.