Check this out!!!

dutch black

There are some people who still prefer to use the outer paper of the cigar to wrap their cannabis in. And with all the tobacco gone how much detrement to my health is just the paper anyway?

dutch black

I suppose I have been under my rock way too long, this must be a thing of the past. This was a cannabis cigar, not a split open blunt that someone licked. It had 4 different strains of cannabis mixed in it and it was sealed in the foil wrap like it was still tobacco, I thought it was tobacco until we opened it and it's full of sweet herb. I mean how would you get all that tobacco out without destroying the wrapper is what I want to know??? Just thought it was a little unique

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So the wow is simply that the wrap had not been cut down the middle?

I've never rolled a blunt other than blunt wraps, but logic sais if it's tobacco leaf on the outside with tobacco packed into the iddle, you ust poke it out with a stick or some tweezers.

dutch black

Just poke it out with a stick is not gonna happen, tweezers either i don't think. You can't just push the tobacco out, it is packed inside very tightly. This is not as easy as it looks.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
"i don't think"

I do ;) it's simple physics. You grab the tobacco with tweezers, and pull it out. I've never rolled a "genuine" bllunt, but i've had my fair share of cigar to piss around with. It's not rocket science to remove the tobacco, people simply cut because it's a damned sight quicker and easier to do so.