check this s**t tobbaco that gets you high! Ganja tobbaco ?


Just wounderd if any one else has had it ? I bought some today got a pouch of golden virginia, the guy says "sum clever cunt managed to find away to get thc into the baki, im thinking maybe used some kind of vapourizer with the baki inside soaking it up ?
But then again maybe its soaked in some chemical and not thc at all..

Ill tell ya one thing tho im high as a mother fucker! The police not got a clue, it looks smells and taste just like a cig! Pure genius!


Well-Known Member
spice (k2 is brand name of spice) is a street term for products with synthetic cannabinoids on them, normally stuff like mullien or daminia, most commonly JWH products, although there are some new ones popping up every day


Well-Known Member
Pictures of the product or a link to the product will make your post much more believable and much less stupid. Almost as bad as a meth plant!


Well-Known Member
because this is the internet and you want attention, idk people make shit up all the time. Im just asking you to post some more info on the product so we can all understand what you are talking about.