Checking for M or FM plants


Active Member
Is it possible to put plants under the grow cycle just to check there sex then bring them back into the veg cycle?

Or will this stress the plants and kill them :-|. I only have one light so i can't make clones and check them. This is my first grow so i'm a noob lol


yes you can do that, but it will set your grow back a couple weeks. some say it stresses the plant making for more hermie possibilities, but not sure about that

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey vizer...

what size light are you using...?

If you are using CFLS or a small HID, you canflower when the plant has 4- nodes (14-20 days old) and you will be fine... you won't need to switchback and forth between veg and flower... just switch to flower and keep going..

MJ plants need very little time in vegging to get good yields under low light situations...

can you post a picture?



Active Member
Hey thanks for the replys sorry for the late response been busy :joint::hump: lol.

Great site i've learnt alot so far and its helped me on my first grow :mrgreen:!

For my grow i use a 400 watt HPS light with 2 fans. I water them 2 times a day and gave them some seedling miracle grow. But for the last 2 weeks i've just been feeding them water. I've been running the lights 24/7 and havent started the flowering cycle yet its been about 6 weeks from seed and this is what they look like.

So now i'm not sure what to do next :cry:. Should i let them grow bigger before putting them into flowering? Thanks for your help so far everyone =)