Checking PH


Well-Known Member
I recently purchased a PH meter from HTG and it seems it is ment only for liquids...i am growing in soil :wall: Right now I am running the water through the soil and checking the ph of the water to get the PH of the soil... Does anyone know how accurate this is>?


Well-Known Member
awesome! I had read somewhere that it is a way to do it but i wasnt sure it would be the best most accurate way too. I had plants at a ph of like 7.5 and needed them down quick!


Active Member
sounds like it's working right. i'm not sure how to lower it. i heard use lime (not the fruit) but i'm not sure if that means to raise or lower the ph. i have a couple at about 3-4 and i don't know how to raise it


Well-Known Member
ph the water/food solution goin into the soil. if the ph of that is in the right range, the rest will follow. ive used lime juice to lower ph a lil. only when i fuck up the ph UP solution