Checking sex during veg by switching to 12/12 and back


Active Member
is it a bad idea to go to 12/12 in the middle of veg period, until the sex shows, and then revert back to veg?

I have a limited space and can only do a couple plants. Want to check the sex so I dont waste my time with males.


Active Member
It will cost you some time, I suggest you find the females, let grab some branches for clones, and let the mothers continue to flower to maturity. When you go to 12/12, you'll get a nice growth spurt ( about 2X ), so those small branches you see in veg will get big enough to clone.


Well-Known Member
switching from a veg cycle (18/6 or 24/0) to a flower cycle (12/12) and then back to a veg cycle can stress your plants out badly... this can cause a potential female to hermie...

your best bet is to purchase some fem'd seeds...

either that or veg out some plants until you start to see preflowers.... clone the females.. and kill the males... keep one mother (if possible) to take clones from.. and do a small sog style grow with a few straight to 12/12 clones...


Active Member
thanks. I'm pretty sure at least one is female because its really short spaced on the nodes and growing a bit slower than the males I recently had, so maybe I'll try to make a mother out of it. Have not had a lot of luck with cloning in the past but gotta get it down sometime