Checklist of common sense, keeping ahead and staying out of trouble!


Well-Known Member
Here is a list we all need to brush up on from time to time!

  1. Keep your mouth shut and trust no one!
You want to get busted? Just open that pie hole of yours and start yapping. This rule is #1 for a reason, BECAUSE THIS IS WHERE 90% OF ARRESTS COME FROM!!!!! Nuff said.

  1. Don’t be a slob!
So the cops show up at your door for a dog complaint. Bong is on the table, bagoweed is next to it, your still sleeping. Guess who’s under arrest? Leaving weed or paraphernalia out in the open is another perfect opportunity for the Po Po to bring you downtown.

This also goes with your vehicle. Roaches laying around, rolling papers and pipes visible to the suspicious Po Po. Keep your vehicle spotless and make it a habit to keep your stash as far away from yourself as possible. The PoPo says, “Would you please step from the vehicle sir?” , they pat you down for weapons, feel a pipe or baggie and then presto, silver bracelets and a trip to the station house!

  1. Know the status of your driver’s license and vehicle registration.
They pull you over for speeding and your license is suspended. You’re arrested and then an inventory search of your vehicle is conducted. They find your weed, more charges filed, you’re fucked! If you know your license is suspended don’t bring weed with you! In many states if your vehicle registration is expired they have the right to tow your vehicle off the road, which again opens the vehicle up to an inventory search.

  1. Check your vehicle equipment.
Do a walk around of your vehicle from time to time. Make sure you have all lights up and running, brake lights working and bad muffler replaced. Cops could really give a shit about vehicle defective equipment but they are chomping at the bit to get to the two pounds of weed you have in the trunk. Your headlight or taillight that has burned out is all the reason they need to pull you over.

  1. Absolutely refuse to allow a consent search of your vehicle.
How many times have we all read of the Po Po who made the huge bust because the vehicle owner allowed a search of their vehicle? They will find your stash if you allow them to search, so cowboy up, use your balls and say, “Officer, I know you have a very important and dangerous job but with all due respect I can’t allow you to search my vehicle.

  1. Know the passengers in your vehicle.
When the PoPo has every one step from your vehicle, guess where the illegal contents of your passenger’s pockets are going to end up? You guessed it, on the floor of your car, in between the seats, basically wherever they can stash it. If they don’t fess up you’re going to be arrested. Let it be known to them that if a situation comes up to keep their shit in their pockets or at least wait until they get outside to drop what they have.

  1. You just got arrested, now what?
In the event you do get arrested, be polite and as respectful as possible. DO NOT answer any questions other than your name, dob and all that stuff. You will be amazed at what an attorney can do to have charges reduced or even dropped. Your statement to the police is evidence and it will be used against you. Cops do appreciate polite and respectful people. They know the game and will have a tremendous amount of respect if you exercise your rights and say nothing. Should you give a statement, they will be calling you a dumbass all the way to court!

  1. Don’t drink, smoke and drive.
Once you’re arrested for drunk driving, like the suspended license, your vehicle will be subjected to a consent search which means anything illegal in the vehicle will be found and you will be charged. Aside from just using common sense, staying off the road when you’re intoxicated is good for everyone!

  1. Keep your mouth shut and trust no one!
  1. Keep your mouth shut and trust no one!!!
In case you didn’t see it earlier, read it again! Loose lips sink ships!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
thank u for the info good stuff. haha had the cops come to my house once for my roommate and i had just ripped the bong for a few hours haha when the cop came into my house the clouds hit him and backup was called so i didnt say anything until the Sargent came with 7 other cops and bam handed them my medical card and they could do nothing...... they thought they had made a huge bust but the joke was on them. they left the house smelling like weed and nothing to show for it. if u r in a legal state GET LEGAL.