Morning ... Wieghed up the rest execpt the dogs ,some off the earlier parts are snapping but the rest needs a few more days to dry. sampled a bit again

549.1grams - 19.5 oz
still have 3 levels of dogs to add to it .
735 +
549.1 =
46 oz
So its an ok harvest ,it could of been a lot better and it could of been alot worst too so im happy .
summary of this grow:
Might added one more product or increase the amount of folair feed(gauno=molasses) in flowering as these seemed to lack a little sweetness that they normally have and i sprayed them twice as much last time , im not going back to loads of nutes just need to fine tune it to 3-4 products and thats including a rooting prouduct.
Didn't change res more than twice before the flush so that could count towards the lower yeild , i will definatly improve on that next time round and i will only use 3/4s of the 113ltrs as they're never gonna drink all the water in the tub in a wk. and get a sump pump to speed up the extraction as it was taking forever to empty these.
Extra Cfl? cant say i seen any difference , might run them again in a lower postion see if that helps the popcorns.
With the stress of cutting all these roots when they had to be transported from there orignal location im happy with the end result.
Thanks to all those that have been following my ghetto grows and i hope you'll be around for the next ..
I'm wish i could share some of the green around

... puff puff pass( no coldsores-or ya getting missed)
On the look out for a few test
Anyway thanks again.

Dr Green Dre