Cheese Journal (2nd grow)


Active Member
ive got 2 1 metre square trays wich i fit 5 16 litre pots in each tray

yer i would go with that 1 thats the way to do it but i havnt got room to do that


Active Member
yer i would do that but ive got no room to do it u can get well more crops a year by doin that

how many oz a plant do u think i could get because am dredin it i dont want to end up with 10 oz i hope i get at least 20

wot do u think


Well-Known Member
wat frm those cheese, well mine were tiny compared to yours and u can see ya fat colas developing already, u looking at 2-3 oz per plant easy, the nugs are real dense


Active Member
yer i hope so m8 that would make my day

heres some new pics bro

i cant fit the hole tent in 1 picture because its in a bad position


Active Member
ive got myself a mother on the go its blue cheese its meant to be power shit the person i got it off has been gettin 3-4 oz a plant off it

have a look at it

mr west

Well-Known Member
subscribed dude, I love the cheese, Its the taste over the potancy imo tho. Its so moreish and yummy.


Well-Known Member
ai ai mr west thought it wudnt be long before we seen ya in this thread u cheese monster,, wat u grwin at mo bud


Active Member
nice 1 m8 yer am like that with the cheese myself westy the taste is unreal

my cheese has took a long time to kick into flower well i think it has compared to my blue cheese wen it was at the same stage as it is now the buds wer fat and more matured

how long did u flower yur cheese for im gonna give it 10 weeks the way it is lookin i no its only meant to be 9 but i think mine can go more than 9