Cheese yield is it tried and true?

I would like to know in if I grew ten cheese plants in 18 gallon buckets using coco organic soil, house & garden nuts, under 4000k watts what kind of yield should i expect on average? Thanks for the help and Dream On Growers Dreeam On....


Well-Known Member
I would say around 18-27oz,average of 1-1/2oz per plant

He said under 4000 Watts. Even @ .25 GPW that's 35oz.

With 18 gallon pots I'm assuming you're going to veg for 4-6 weeks? My last harvest of Chernobyl was a ~2 week veg of 12 plants in 10 gallons under 2k watts and I pulled 2lbs 13oz. Probably would have done more but I was trying 3 different nutrient lines. I'd expect no less than 4lbs out of 4k watts but would hope for 6-7.

Grow Safe


Well-Known Member
Wow I did 11-18 gallon buckets of mk ultra on my last go around and got almost 9 pounds so I'm guessing cheese isn't a huge yielder.
How long you vegging for? If you're already getting over 2lbs per light, you should be able to get near that with almost any strain.

Grow Safe