100% Authentic A$$Hole
I honestly didnt think that you considered the avatar funny. I assumed the point was actually to be a little offensive to be honest. But im perfectly fine with that because I try not to get offended by dumb things like that.
Ummm well ive always thought that you were a little perverted but who isnt...you were just a little more openly perverted hahaha
Other than that I just thought you were a funny guy.
Im just a very honest and open person, I guess Im perverted to an extent, not in a negative way (I have 2 children myself) b ut again, most of us men have a lil bit of pervert in him. It just goes to show how diverse we stoners are. 1 thing for sure is you will NEVER here me bitch or complain about what someone else is doing, life is to short to worry about others. Besides that, it takes a lot to offend me