Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
its the dr120 basically a 4x4 and 6.7 feet high... Its really like 3.11 feet x 3.11 feet

thanks for the compliment


Well-Known Member
wow nice cab franco! i'm just usin a closet right now split up for veg/flower, i can't wait to have some more space with which to use a room or at least half of it lol. until then i'm gettin the basics down want a few grows under my belt before i go all out.


Well-Known Member everyone done there grow?...lmao!!!

I as well am done my was fun, and I wish I could have saved the strain:cry:...seriously one of the BEST I have ever smoked...I am very pleased with my cross-breeding. One joint will blitz you and a friend for a few hours. In total off of 3 plants, and 3 clones I got a total of 11.7oz. My mother plant yielding me 4.02oz. Good run i'd say..and not bad for flourscent lighting...the buds always looked fuzzy from there being so many trics.

Good luck with everyone's growing...that still are growing.

You going to start a new one Cheet?...I am too in a few months, going to be ordering some blue cheese and white russian, see if I can't get a stable cross outa those 2.