Chelated Iron?


Active Member
This may be a dumb question but I'm going to ask anyway. Is adding chelated iron to my plants just going to be a false sense of security? What I mean by this is that I know if I add this to my plants they will turn an intense green and will not show a whole lot of yellow. Will this cover up the yellowing or discolorations caused by other deficiancies in my plants therefore giving me a false sense of security?


Well-Known Member
why would you want to cover up your plant trying to "talk" to you? Not a good idea. Listen to you plant and you will be a happy man.


Active Member
That's what I'm trying to prevent. That's what I was asking, if it would cover up the other deficiencies it might have. I def don't want to cover up the plants needs but it just surprises me that adding chelated iron would cover up other problems. Don't plants need some sort of iron, along with the other minerals that are in the chelated iron??

Thanks seedlessone for the reply!


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm trying to prevent. That's what I was asking, if it would cover up the other deficiencies it might have. I def don't want to cover up the plants needs but it just surprises me that adding chelated iron would cover up other problems. Don't plants need some sort of iron, along with the other minerals that are in the chelated iron??
Chelated just means its in a water soluble form and plants don't really used huge quantities of iron, and it's not one of the most common deficiencies you'll get either.

Plants need a balance of nutrients, and one in excess of the others may produce a toxicity of that particular nutrient and lock out uptake of some of the others.

As seedless said, let the plants talk to you, correctly identify their needs (easier said than done) and adjust your nutrients doseages accordingly.