Chem Dawg Flower, Kryptonite Veg

Happy Turkey Day fumble, and to all my badass subbers:) keep high every one, Peace

Hey bro, how do you whip the BHO and what do you use to whip it??? Do you have a skillet, dome or essential vape??

uh i do it caveman style haha. just a small 2 or 2.5" little glass tray and a glass dabber thingy. ill get some pics up for ya in with the Update. but ya i jus get some outa the storage bottle put it in ther an whip it, whip it good. hahahahaha this batch is stickier a little thicker, like maybe i can roll it itto balls, or mabe a strip to put in a doobie or blunt..
Thanks you2 buddy!! that sonds hella boss, ive been rippin oil all day i am up there bro long gone hahahaha yeeeaaahhhhhhh
sup nor cal hope all is well cant wait for those updates!! also on ur fresh cuts i saw u cut the ends of the leaves does that make ur leafs grow back healthier or what ??
sup bro, ya ill try and get my lazy ass to update for you guys soon. and for the cutlings, i cut the leaf tips to minimize weight, and it tells the plant that itself is damaged encourgeing root growth.
haha you got it dood ;)

damn me made some gud ass oil :D:D:D lovin it haha. i dont know how much i will be on today, but add me for MW3 PS3 if ya wana get donw some time my name is BuB3RRYFuKNmufN :)
Hey hey NorCal! Whats up homie? My lady was so drunk last night, then she woke up to play golf at 5am this morning, she said she puked on every she's passed out sleeping right now...but the plan is to maybe start driving and see where the weed takes us! You're gonna be around all weekend, right?

P.S.-I made a big ol' batch of BHO 2 days ago, my brother from another mother!
HAAAHAHA thats hella funny. yea ill be here, just hit me up to make shur ill be home. if i wasnt wont be far... thats sik shit dude love me some oil lol just recently got into it too:)
Yeah, I got into oil last year, I like getting down and all "mad scientist" with my just need a good oil rig to smoke it now. I want a couple, I'd like a nail/dome setup, and a bell/swing setup as well!
i know of 2 good places here for both. one place is higher end stuff but a lil pricey, and the othe is cheap as balls and quality isnt bad and is actually wher i will be purchasing my oil glass peices. as well as a inline attachment for my builda bong with a perced ash catch, all that like $75 me thinks
Nice, I'm gonna have to get my new bong first before girl was gonna get it for my B-day, but she didn't :(

Finally Day 25 update! without the HPS :D

can see the buds better and the frosty trichs comin in. oh the smell oh my oh my so fruty an delectable soooo cant wait awww yeeaahhh

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Finally Day 25 update! without the HPS :D

can see the buds better and the frosty trichs comin in. oh the smell oh my oh my so fruty an delectable soooo cant wait awww yeeaahhh

Nor Cal, I was looking at your pics and noticed some PM on some leaves....need to take care of that immediately bro. Not trying to be a dick or nothing just want to make sure they dont get to infected, it will spread like wild fire....Have you ever had PM before??? Other than that the plants are beautiful bro!!!! Get some Serenade and spray them down....


hey thats news to me man, would you mind giving me the low down on PM please? ill try to get some serenade today. would it be at the hydro store or can i pic some up at like a walmart/home depot? thanks so so so much buddy!!!!